Lawton Elementary

Student Life

School Day Leadership and Learning Extensions

School Day Leadership and Learning Extensions


Lawton offers arts programs funded by the PTA and the City of Seattle Creative Advantage grant. Art instruction is integrated into the curriculum by Lawton teachers, and students also benefit from PTA art docents, an artist-in-residence, visiting authors, assemblies, workshops, and other school events. 

Student Clubs

In 4th and 5th grades, students have the chance to join a club on Wednesdays after the WAVE assembly. Past club options have included: Lawton Student Union (ASB), Library Leaders, Capoeira, Student Newspaper, Choir, Sports Electives, Book to Movie, and Lego Robotics.

Safety Patrol

Fifth-grade students on Safety Patrol arrive early to help monitor crosswalks at 27th and Elmore, assist walkers in safely crossing streets, and greet students in the car drop-off line. These students demonstrate responsibility and leadership while following instructions to ensure everyone’s safety. Each team is supervised by an adult at the intersection; please follow the directions of both students and adults during drop-off.

Instrumental Music

Lawton offers instrumental music lessons to 4th and 5th graders on Monday afternoons. Students can choose instruments from the string, brass, or woodwind families. Instruction happens during the school day.

Instrumental Music Teacher Jeong Chi –

I’m delighted to go on this:

Journey of learning with
Everyone who comes to my classroom. We will
Overcome challenges and
Never give up until this world
Gets better because of you and me!

Education: MEd San Jose State University / BA Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

5th Grade Camp

5th-grade students at Lawton have the opportunity to attend a 4-day, 3-night Outdoor Education experience at Islandwood on Bainbridge Island. This camp helps build teamwork, confidence, and connections among students, while teaching environmental responsibility and ecology.

Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds

Publication of Information

Required per RCW 28A.325.050

An Associated Student Body (ASB) is a formal organization of students, including sub-component or affiliated student groups, formed at each public school within Seattle Schools. The programs of the ASB are any optional, noncredit, extra-curricular activity conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an ASB, during or outside regular school hours, within or outside school grounds and facilities and conducted with the approval of the school district or under the official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act on behalf of an ASB or sub-component group. ASB programs and activities must be of a cultural, athletic, recreational or social nature benefitting the ASB.

Money generated or collected, including fundraising proceeds, in conjunction with ASB activities, is public money which must be deposited into the ASB Fund. ASB public money may only be used for optional, noncredit, extra-curricular events and activities of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.

Posting of the following reports ensures compliance with RCW 28A.325.050 (and ESHB1109). This information is not representative of a school’s full fiscal and/or athletic activity.

Questions regarding the posting of the ASB reports may be directed to:

Chris Johnson
ASB, Trust Analyst

Fund Balance Reports:

ASB Activity Card Data